
This blog gains its name from the book Steele's Answers published in 1912. It began as an effort to blog through that book, posting each of the Questions and Answers in the book in the order in which they appeared. I started this on Dec. 10, 2011. I completed blogging from that book on July 11, 2015. Along the way, I began to also post snippets from Dr. Steele's other writings — and from some other holiness writers of his times. Since then, I have begun adding material from his Bible commentaries. I also re-blog many of the old posts.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

How Could There Be Forgiveness Before Atonement?

QUESTION: How could Jesus forgive sins before atonement was made on Calvary?

ANSWER: There were two kinds of forgiveness, pretermission, passing over, by withholding penalty, as in Rom. 3:25, R V., and remission, letting sins go, as if they had not been committed, i. e., they are pardoned. The two Greek words are paresis and aphesis. In the former case the efficacy of the atonement is reflected back upon the sins of the truly penitent sinners of previous ages, who trusted in the mercy of God.

Steele's Answers p. 243.

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